Kindness Club
Kindness-Leadership Squad:
Goal/Purpose: to provide students with leadership skills and planning opportunities to promote a school climate of kindness and inclusivity.
Approximately twelve 5th grade students
Must fill out an application to be considered.
School staff provides input (counselor, 4th grade teachers, PE, Music and Library specialists).
Strong candidates will show a combination of enthusiasm, responsibility, creativity, leadership and kindness towards peers.
Meets approx. 3 times a month on Wednesday mornings before school.
Receives lessons in leadership skills and public speaking.
Plans and develops kindness projects and spirit events for the school.
Takes turns reading weekly announcements.
Participates in kindness spirit events such as: High-5 Fridays, Unity Day, Honk for Kindness, Kindness Hunt, Great Kindness Challenge, etc.
Receives training on how to support K/1st grade students at recess, and then will be assigned recess duty (one day a week).
Each Kindness Squad Leader is assigned a buddy class to keep up-to-date on Kindness events.
Kindness Club:
Goal/Purpose: to provide 5th grade students opportunities to promote a school climate of kindness and inclusivity.
All interested 5th grade students who apply.
Meets once a month during lunch recess or before school.
Participates in kindness spirit events such as: High-5 Fridays, Unity Day, Honk for Kindness, Kindness Hunt, Great Kindness Challenge, etc.
Receives training on how to support K/1st grade students at recess, and then will be assigned recess duty one day a week (optional).
May be given additional opportunities to assist the leadership team with specific projects/tasks (optional).